Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Super Bowl Super Beyonce

Beyonce's halftime performance at SuperBowl 50 has been both praised and criticized by those who tuned in to see it. The Washington Post featured an article, written by Jesse J. Holland, who goes into detail about the political motive behind the performance.

While several people are chastising Beyonce for "outlandishly" promoting anti-cop sentiments, there are others that are seeing it as part of a larger movement in the black activism community. The article details what parts of her performance were politically motivated:  her back up dancers (all black) wore outfits that were similar to the outfits worn by the Black Panthers 50 years ago.

The dancers and Beyonce also raised their fists in the air, which is a well known symbol of the Black Power salute, made famous by John Carlos and Tommie Smith when they were at the Olympics.

I think this article is worth a read to get different opinions on the performance. There are those that think this politically motivated sentiment was entirely one sided and promoted anti-cop fallacies, while others believe that it is part of the larger Black Lives Matter movement. Most politicians have spoken out on the Black Lives Matter movement, while others have seemingly ignored it entirely. With the upcoming presidential election, it'll be interesting to see the final two candidates voice their point of view on the topic. With other events occurring that tie into this timeline of black rights (the Oscars boycott, recent gun tragedies), it feels as if this is only the beginning of a much larger sentiment in the United States.

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